Past and Current Project Grants
The research is primarily funded by the following grants.
Current Grants:
Past Grants:
Current Grants:
- T. Ratnarajah (PI), Topics in Full-Duplex Radio, funded by the leading wireless industry, $x Million USD, 2019-2023.
- T. Ratnarajah and T. Arslan (from the School of Engineering, UoE), "COG-MHEAR: Towards cognitively-inspired 5G-IoT enabled multi-model Hearing Aids", Programme Grants lead by A. Hussain, Edinburgh Napier University, and collaboration with University of Wolverhampton, University of Glasgow, University of Nottingham, University of Manchester and Heriot-Watt University, EPSRC-EP/T021063/1, Mar 2021-Feb 2026, £4.0 Million (FEC).
- T. Ratnarajah (PI), “Big Data Aware High Capacity Wireless Network Architecture Using Caching and Machine Learning” UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), British Council, Collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India, £47K ($70.5K USD), April 2017-March 2021.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI) and J. Thompson, "A Unified Multiple Access Framework for Next Generation Mobile Networks By Removing Orthogonality (MANGO)," collaboration with the University of Manchester and Heriot-Watt University, EPSRC-EP/P009549/1, (£392K ($588K USD) FEC to UoE), May 2017 - April 2021.
Past Grants:
- T. Ratnarajah (PI) and J. Thompson, "MIMO Wireless Networks: A Promising Rate Splitting Transceiver Architecture", collaboration with Imperial College, London, EPSRC - EP/N014073/1, £360K ($540K USD), April 2016-March 2019.
- H. Haas, T. Ratnarajah and M. Safari, "5G Rural-First: Rural Coverage and Dynamic Spectrum Access Testbed and Trial," UK central government bodies/local authorities, health and hospital authorities, $290K USD, Jun 2018-May 2019.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI) and J. Thompson, "Massive MIMO for Future Wireless Communication", collaboration with the University of Manchester, EPSRC - EP/L025299/1, £313K ($470K USD), March 2015-Feb. 2018.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI, Project Coordinator), Advanced Dynamic spectrum 5G mobile networks Employing Licensed shared access (ADEL), EU-FP7 (call 11); Partners: University of Edinburgh (UK), Thales Communications & Security SAS (France), EURECOM (France), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Intel Mobile Communications (France), Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany), Portugal Telecom Inovacao SA (Portugal), Athens Information of Technology (Greece); ADEL-619647, €3.7 M Euros ($4.65 Million USD) [€670K ($840K USD) to UoE], Dec. 2013-Nov. 2016, see
- T. Ratnarajah (PI) and J. Thompson, “How to reliably count the number of co-channel signals in the presence of spatially correlated noise,” EPSRC IAA Phase II Project Number - EPSRC PII009, £40K ($60K USD), Mar.-Dec. 2016, with Roke Manor Research Ltd
- T. Ratnarajah (PI, Project Coordinator), High capacity network Architecture with Remote radio heads & Parasitic antenna arrays (HARP), EU-FP7 (call 8); Partners: University of Edinburgh (UK), Athens Information Technology (Greece), EURECOM (France), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (UK), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), MTI Radiocomp (Denmark), Alcatel Lucent (France), Orange Labs - France Telecom R&D (France); €4.65 M Euros ($5.8 Million USD) [€616K ($772K USD) to UoE], Nov. 2012-Oct. 2015, see
- T. Ratnarajah (PI, Project Coordinator), enHanced Interference Alignment Techniques for Unprecedented Spectral Efficiency (HIATUS), EU-FP7 - FET-open scheme; Partners: University of Edinburgh (UK), Athens Information Technology (Greece), KTH (Sweden), Ericsson Research (Sweden), Supelec (France), University Pompeu Fabra (Spain), Vienna University of Technology (Austria); HIATUS- 265578, €3.6 M Euros ($4.5 Million USD) [€602K ($754K USD) to UoE], March 2011-Feb. 2014, see
- T. Ratnarajah (PI), C.F.N. Cowan and M. Sellathurai, "A Systematic Study of Physical Layer Network Coding: From Information-theoretic Understanding to Practical DSP Algorithm Design", EPSRC - EP/I037156/1, £295K ($441K USD), June 2012-May 2015.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI), "Rural and Remote Ubiquitous Broadband Wireless Access", UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), British Council, £40K ($60K USD), Aug. 2012 - Dec 2015, Collaboration with IIT Kharagpur, India.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI, Project Coordinator) "Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWN)", EU-FP7 - FET-open scheme; Partners: QUB (UK), QinetiQ (UK), Intel Mobile Communications (France), EURECOM (France), Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany) and Athens Information of Technology (Greece); CROWN-233843, €3.4 M Euros ($4.25 Million USD) [€644K ($790K USD) to QUB], May 2009-April 2012, see
- C.F.N. Cowan, T. Ratnarajah, (Co-I), L. G. Barbero and M. Sellathurai, "Bridging the gap between design and implementation of soft-detectors for Turbo-MIMO wireless systems", EPSRC - EP/G026092/1, £343K ($513K USD). Dec. 2008-May 2012.
- M. Sellathurai, T. Ratnarajah (Co-I) and D. C. Wilcox, "Signal Processing Techniques to Reduce the Clutter Competition in Forward Looking Radar", EPSRC EP/H012257/1, £111K ($165K USD), Jan. 2010-Oct. 2011, (DSTL-EPSRC Signal Processing).
- C. F. N. Cowan and T. Ratnarajah (Co-I), "Building links with India: "Cognitive wireless systems for universal access", EPSRC - EP/G033528/1, £125K ($187K USD), Nov. 2008-May 2011, see
- C. F. N. Cowan and T. Ratnarajah (Co-I), "Complex random matrices and MIMO channel capacities", EPSRC - EP/C004132/1, £212K ($316K USD), Jun. 2005-Nov. 2008.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI) and S. Puthusserypady (National University of Singapore), "Design and implementation of robust signal algorithms for functional magnetic resonance imaging data analysis", Prime Minister's Initiative for International Education 2 (PMI2) - PMI2 is funded by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and managed by the British Council - RC73, £32K ($48K USD), May 2008 - March 2011, Collaboration with National University of Singapore.
- T. Ratnarajah (PI) and S. Prakriya (IIT Delhi, India), "Signal Processing and Information Theoretic study of Cognitive Radio Networks", UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), British Council, £50K ($75K USD), Jan. 2009 - March 2012, Collaboration with IIT Delhi, India.